be able to change a television channel by thinking

London, Apr 23 (ANI): One could soon be able to change a television channel by thinking or send a text message composed through thought, all thanks to Japanese scientists, who are developing a new generation of consumer electronics devices that can read a user’s mind and automatically respond to their wishes. 
Tomoo Yamauchi, director of the Research and Development Division of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, said that a consortium of Japanese companies, research institutes and the government is working on the gadgets, which could be on the market in as little as a decade.
The devices would use advanced versions of existing brain-machine interface technology, he said.
“We already have BMI machines through which an operator can make a robot carry out an action, such as moving an arm or lifting a leg. We also have the technology for a person to think of a number and that number be recorded by the machine,” the Telegraph quoted Yamauchi as saying.

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